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새 주제
위키낱말사전, 말과 글의 누리

Please do not copy Wilamowian language from Polish Wiktionary. It has been never unequivocally standarised and has different spellings. It was put into pl.wiktionary using one of them but now it is changing. It has been made partially, so now there are words with different spelling versions. Now you have for example gyšicht using one of them and śmejt with the other, łove with the first and łiwa with the other.

And generally I suggest you all do not copy entries from any Wiktionary. You never know who wrote them and if you translate again proper context. I suggest you describing only languages you really know. Otherwise you can make more mistakes like sgiöekumt that should be writen in other way independently to the ortographic system. Besides there is ex. Wymysöryś that should be lowercase (it is adjective). --토론) 사용자가 작성하였으나, 서명을 하지 않아 다른 사용자가 이후에 추가하였음. 2012년 8월 7일 (화) 18:47‎