
위키낱말사전, 말과 글의 누리

가내근로(재택근무) home work ; work at home ; home-based work ; domestic work

가동률 capacity utilization rate : rate of operation ; working ratio (완전가동 : to the full capacity

가변노동시간 flexible time

가부동수 tie in votes

가사근로자 domestic worker

가산금 additional dues

가설기자재 temporary construction equipment

가수요 imaginary demand; fictitious use; speculative demand

가입 accession

가족간호휴가 family care leave

가족노동 family labor

가족수당 family(dependent) allowance

가처분명령 order of provisional disposition

가처분소득 disposable income

각 당사자 either party thereto

각서 memorandum, note

각하 rejection on procedural ground, dismissal

간사국 coordinator(ILO 이사회)

간인 joint seal

간접비 uninsured costs

간접세 indirect tax

간접원인 indirect cause

간접적인 성차별 sexual discrimination - indirect

간호휴가 nursing leave

감가상각 depreciation

감가상각비 depreciation expense

감독관청 competent authority

감량경영 downsizing (management)

감봉(임금삭감) pay(wage) cut; slash

감사 audit ; auditor

감사장 certificate of appreciation

강도율 severity rate

강성노조 militant union

강제근로 forced labor

강제정년 compulsory retirement ; mandatory retirement

강제중재(집권중재) compulsory arbitration

강제집행 execution, compulsory execution

강행법규 mandatory provision

개발원조 development aid

개방형 기능개발센터 open skill development center

개별사업장 individual workplace ; plant

개별적 근로관계법 individual labor law; laws on the individual employment relationship

개산보험료 estimated premium

개인보호장비 personal protective equipment

개입정책 interventional policies

개정 amendment, modification

갱내근로 underground work

갱생보호자 rehabilitated offenders

갱신 renewal, revival

거래관행 usage(practice) of trade

거론 mention, enumerate

거시분석 macro analysis

건강관리 health management

건강관리수첩 worker's health care pocketbook

건강상담 health consultation

건강장해 health troubles/problems

건강증진 health promotion

건강진단 medical examination; (f) 신체검사 : physical check-up

건강진단개인표 individual health diagnosis sheet

건설근로자의고용개선등에 Act on the Employment Improvement, etc. of

관한법률 Construction Workers

건폐율 building coverage ratio

견습(수습)연수 apprenticeship training

결근관행(상습적 결근) absenteeism

결근율 absence rate (AR)

결사의 자유 freedom of association

결사의 자유위원회 Committee on Freedom of Association

(ILO 산하위원회)

결산 financial statement; balancing account; (cf) 연결재무재표 : consolidated financial statement

결손 deficit

결의안 resolution

결제통화 currency of settlement

겸업 multiple job

경기과열 over-heating; super heating

경기순환 business cycle; trade cycle

경기예고지표 business warning indicators (BWI)

경기예측 economic(business) forecast(projection)

경기적 실업 cyclical unemployment

경력개발제도 career development program

(장기 직무수행능력 발전 프로그램)

경상거래 current transactions

경상보조금 current subsidies

경상수지 balance of current account

경상이익 ordinary profit

경상지출 current(ordinary) expenditures

경영관리 business management

경영권 managerial prerogatives ; management rights ; controlling stakes ; interest

경영권 침해 infringement on management rights

경영이념 management principle ; management philosophy

경영전략 corporate strategy

경영정보공개 disclosure of business information

경영정보체제 management information system(MIS)

경영지표 management index (자본회전률, 유동비율, 매출액 대 영업이익률 등)

경영참가 management participation; (worker's) participation in management

경영최고책임자 chief executive officer(CEO)

경영합리화 rationalization of management

경쟁력 competitiveness

경제단체협의회 Council of Korea Employers' Organizations

경제성장률 economic growth rate

경제운용계획 economic management plan

경제지표 economic indicator (barometer)

경제협력 economic cooperation

경제협력개발기구 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

경제활동인구 economically active population ; labor force

경제활동참가율 economic activity participation rate ; labor force participation rate

계속적공급계약 continuous supply contract

계약근로 contract labor

계약급 contract wages

계약기간 duration of contract ; term of contract


계약위반 breach of contract

계열사 affiliate ; affiliated company ; subsidiary

계절근로자 seasonal labor ; seasonal worker

계절적 실업 seasonal unemployment

고금리정책 dear money policy

고급기능인력 highly skilled manpower ☞고급인력정보센터 Highly Skilled Manpower Information Center

고령자 고용 employment of the aged(elderly) (workers)

고령자고용촉진법 Aged Employment Promotion Act

고령자고용촉진장려금 bounty for employment promotion for the aged

고령자인재은행 Manpower Bank for the Aged

고령화사회 aging society

고용계수 labor input coefficient

고용계약(근로계약) employment contract ; labor contract

고용기회 employment opportunities

고용기회균등 equal opportunity in employment

고용동향 employment trends

고용문제조정위원회 Employment Measures Coordination Committee

고용보험(법) Employment Insurance (Act)

고용보험기금 Employment Insurance Fund

고용보험심사위원회 Employment Insurance Deliberation Committee

고용보험제도 employment insurance system

고용승계 employment succssion

고용안정사업 job security activities

고용알선기관 Employment Service (Agency) ; (cf) Job Placement Agency

고용유지훈련지원금 subsidy for training to sustain employment

고용전망 employment prospect ; employment outlook

고용정책 employment policy ; manpower policy

고용정책기본법 Basic Employment Policy Act

고용조정 employment adjustment

고용조정지원금 subsidy for employment adjustment

고용창출 job creation ; employment creation

고용허가제 work permit system

고의로 intentionally; willfully

고장가동률 capacity utilization rate

고정급 fixed wage; fixed salary

고정환율제 fixed exchange rate system

고충처리 grievance handling

공고 public notice

공공고용알선기관 public employment service (PES)

공공기관 public institution

공공부문 public sector

공공직업훈련 public vocational training

공급과잉 excess supply ; oversupply

공동결정 co-determination

공동교섭 co-ordinated bargaining

공무원 civil(public) servant(official) ;

☞ 공무원직장협의회 : Public Officials' Workplace Council(Association)

공사(공단) public corporation

공서양속 public order and good morals

공익법인 public interests juristic person

공익사업 public utility (cf) essential services

공익위원 public interest member

공인노무사 certified public labor practitioner

공인노무사법 Certified Labor Affairs Consultant Act

공인회계사 certified public accountant (CPA)

공장자동화 factory automation (FA)

공장점거 plant occupation

공정관리 process control

공정안전관리제도 process safety management system (PSM)

공정위험성평가서 process risk evaluation report

공제기금 provident fund

공증인 notary public

공채 public bond

공포 promulgation

공해 high sea ; open sea

공휴일 public holidays ; legal holidays

과반수 majority ☞ 다수결원칙 : majority rule

과사용 증후군 overuse syndrome

과세표준 basis of assessment ; tax basis

과점 oligopoly

관리감독자 supervisor

관리자 훈련계획 management training program (MTP)

관리직 managerial staff ; managerial personnel

관리직 등급 management grade

관보 official gazette ; official bulletin (ILO)

관세 custom (duties) ; tariff

관할관청 competent authority

관할위반 jurisdictional incompetency

광역구직활동비 wide-area job-seeking allowance

교대근무 shift working (cf) day shift ; night shift

교부 delivery

교섭 bargaining

 교섭거부   refusal to bargain  
 교섭구조   bargaining structure        
 교섭권   bargaining rights           
 교섭단위   bargaining units      
 교섭력   bargaining power

교섭재개조항 reopening clause

교역조건 terms of trade

교원의노동조합설립및운영 Act on the Establishment and Operation of

등에관한법률 the Tripartite Commission

교육휴가 educational leave

구내식당 canteen ; refectory ; cafeteria

구두계약 verbal agreement ; verbal contract

구두증거 parol(oral) evidence

구사대 save-the-company squad (cf) strikebreaker

구인 job offering ; job posting

구인배율 ratio of job offering to job seeking

구제금융 relief loan

구제명령 relief order

구제신청 application for relief

구제제도 remedy system

구조적 실업 structural unemployment

구조조정 structural adjustment(change) ; restructuring

구직 job(work) searching ; job seeking

구직급여 job seeking benefit

구직배율 job application-to-opening ratio

구직자 job seeker ; job applicant

구직활동의무 job search requirement

국고 national treasury

국고보조금 state subsidy

국립독성계획단(미국) National Toxicology Program; NTP

국민경제사회협의회 National Economic and Social Council

국민총생산 gross national product (GNP)

국소배기장치 local exhaust ventilation system

국영기업 public corporation ; nationalized enterprise ; state-run corporation

국제노동(핵심)기준 International (Core) Labor Standards

국제노동기구 International Labour Organization(ILO)

 결정   decision
 고문   advisor (f) delegate
 권고   Recommendation
 묵살   shelving 
 사무국   International Labour Office
 사무총장   Director-General ; (f) Secretary-General(UN)
 선언   declaration
 선정위원회   Selection Committee
 신임장위원회   Credential Committee
 의정사   protocol
 의사규칙   Standing orders
 이사회   Governing Body(GB)           
 이의 제기   representation
 제출   submission
 진정   complaint
 총회   International Labour Conference
 헌장   Constitution
 협약   Convention  
 결사의자유(87호)   Freedom of Association and the Right to    organize Convention  
 단체교섭권(98호)   Collective Bargaining Convention         
 강제근로금지(29, 105호)   Forced Labour Convention, Abolition of       Forced Labor Convention    
 아동근로폐지(138, 182호)   Minimum Age Convention, Elimination of     Worst Form of Child Labor          
 고용상차별금지(100, 111호)   Equal Remuneration Convention,    
 Discrimination(Employment & Occupation)   Convention

국제발암연구소 International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)

국제분업 international division of labor

국제사용자기구 International Organization of Employers(IOE)

국제수지 balance of payments (BOP)

국제잠재독성물질등록기구 International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemical

국채 government bond

국회 National Assembly ; Parliament

권리분쟁 rights dispute

권한위양 delegation of authority

귀마개 ear plug ; ear muff

귀향여비 home coming expenses ; travel expenses for home coming

균등대우/균등처우 equal treatment

근로 이민 labor migration

근로감독관 labor inspector

근로기준법 Labor Standards Act

근로복지공단 Korea Labor Welfare Corporation

근로손실일수 lost work days

근로시간 working hours ; hours of work

근로시간단축지원금 subsidy for reduction of work hour

근로여성위원회 Working Women Committee

근로의 권리 right to work

근로의 의무 obligation to work

근로의욕 고취 motivation to work

근로자 교육 workers' education

근로자 명부 register of workers ; roster of workers

근로자 신용보증 지원제도 Employee Credit Guarantee Support Program

근로자 파견 labor(manpower) lease ; dispatch of worker

근로자건강진단심의위원회 Worker's Health Examination Deliberation Committee

근로자공급사업 labor supply service

근로자기본권선언 Declaration of Fundamental Principles & Rights at Work

근로자복지기본법 Basic Workers Welfare Act

근로자사외파견지원금 subsidy for dispatching workers

근로자위원 workers' member

근로자의 날 Labor Day

근로자참여와협력증진에 Act on Promotion of Workers' Participation

관한법률 & Cooperation

근로자파견사업 temporary work (help) service

근로자파견회사 labor leasing agency ; worker dispatching agency ; temporary help service agency ; temporary employment agency

근로조건 working condition ; conditions of work ; terms of employment

근무기간 duration of service ; length of service

근무중 on duty (cf) off-duty

근무평정 performance rating ; personnel evaluation ; performance appraisal

근속급 seniority-linked wages

근속수당 seniority allowance

금리수준 level of interest rate

금리정책 bank rate policy

금융기관 financial institution

금융시장 money market

금융실명제 real-name financial transaction system

금치산(자) incompetency

금품청산 liquidation of money and other valuables

급부 수준 level of benefit ; benefit level

급성독성기준 acute toxicity test

기간산업 key industry

기관투자가 institutional investor

기능검정 qualification test

기능올림픽 World Skills Competition

기능인 craftsman ; skilled worker

기능장 master craftsman

기능장려금 skills encouragement bounty

기명날인 name written and seal affixed to

기본(인)권 fundamental (human) rights ; basic rights

기본급 basic pay ; basic wage (salary) ; base rate of pay

기본세율 general(basic) rate

기본정관 memorandum(articles) of association

기부행위 act of endowment

기술이전 technology transfer

기술자격검정 skill qualification test

 기능장   master craftsman
 기능사   craftsman
 기사    engineer 
 기술사    professional technician 
 산업기사   industrial engineer 

기술자문지도 Technical advisory services (TAS)

기술혁신 technical innovation

기술협력 technical cooperation

기업공개 going public

기업별 교섭 enterprise level collective bargaining

기업별 노조 enterprise based union ; enterprise union

기업조합주의 business unionist

기조연설 keynote speech

기회비용 opportunity cost

긴급조정 emergency mediation


난청 hearing impairment

남녀고용평등법 Equal Employment Act

남녀동등보수 equal remuneration

내부노동시장 internal labor market

냉각기간 cooling-off period

노동강도 labor intensity

노동력 labor force ; workforce ; manpower

노동력 부족 labor shortage

노동법원 industrial court ; labor court ; industrial tribunal

노동부령 ordinance of the Ministry of Labor

노동분배 labor's relative share of wages ; labor share ; (cf) wok sharing

노동비용 (인플레) labor cost (inflation)

노동생산성 labor productivity

노동시장 labor market

노동위원회(법) Labor Relations Commission (Act)

노동의 인간화 humanization of work

노동의 임시화 casualization of work

노동이동 labor separation; labor transfer

노동쟁의 labor dispute ; industrial dispute ; trade dispute

노동쟁의발생신고 labor dispute notification ; strike notice

노동쟁의조정법(구) Labor Dispute Adjustment Act

노동조합 trade union ; labor union

노동조합 가입 근로자 unionized worker ; organized worker ; union member

노동조합 관할권 union jurisdiction

노동조합 연합교섭 coalition bargaining

노동조합및노사관계조정법 Trade Union & Industrial Relations MediationAct

노동조합법(구) Trade Union Act

노동조합비 trade union membership dues ; union fees ; trade union contribution

노동조합비 원천공제 check-off

노동조합주의 trade unionism

노동집약적 labor-intensive

노동착취 exploitation of labor

노동참여율(노동력률) labor force participation rate ; manpower participation rate

노동행정 labor administration

노무관 labor attache

노무관리 (인사관리) labor management (personnel management)

노무분관위원회 labor subcommittee

노사관계 industrial relations ; labor-management relations ; labor relations

노사관계개혁위원회(노개위) Presidential Commission on Industrial Relations Reform

노사단체의 내부분열 internally fragmented organizations of workers and employers

노사분규 labor dispute ; labor strife ; labor unrest

노사우량기업 model enterprises for outstanding labor-management cooperation

노사정위원회 Tripartite Commission

노사협력센타 Labor-Management Cooperation Center

노사협의회 Labor-Management Council

노조간부 trade union official (officer) (cf) shop steward

노조규약 by-laws ; union rule book

노조대표 union representative ; union leader

노조전임간부 full-time union official

노조조직률 unionization rate ; organization rate ; proportion of organized workers

노조총회 general meeting of trade unions

노조해산 dissolution of trade unions ; union decertification

누적외상성장해 cumulative traumatic disorder (CTD)

누진세 graduated tax

능력급 pay by ability

능률급 efficiency wage ; payment by results ; (cf) 성과급


다국적 기업 multinational corporation (enterprise) ; (cf) 초국적 : transnational corporation

다능공 poly-technician ; multi-skilled worker ; job-general

단가도급 unit-cost contract

단결권 right to organize

단기독성시험 short-term toxicity test

단기채 short-term bond

단말장치 terminal unit

단서 proviso clause

단순평균 simple average

단시간 평균노출 기준치 short-term exposure limit(STEL)

단위노동비용 unit labor cost

단위노조 unit trade union

단일직무급 single rate

단체교섭 collective bargaining

단체교섭권 right to bargain collectively

단체행동권(파업권) right to act collectively ; right to strike

단체협약 collective bargaining agreement (CBA)

단체협약 효력확장 collective agreement extension

대기근로자 on-call workers

대기기간 waiting period

대기업 large company ; large enterprise

대량실업 mass unemployment

대리권 power of representation

대사 ambassador

대사관 Embassy

대의원(회의) delegate (meeting)

대체근로 strike replacement ; replacement (substitution) of strike workers (strikers)

대체근로자 substitute worker

대표부 Permanent Mission (cf) Permanent Representative Mission of the ROK in Geneva

대표적인 노사단체 (most) representative trade union and employers' association

대항요건 requirement for setting up against

도급 contract for work

도급사업 contract work

도급사업자 contractor ; subcontractor

도매물가지수 wholesale price index

도산 winding up, bankruptcy

도수율 frequency rate

독과점 monopolistic

독립채산제 self-financing

독점 monopoly

돌연변이원성 genotoxicity

동맹파업 solidarity strike

동산 chattels

동일임금 equal pay ; equal wage

동정파업 sympathy strike


로테이션 훈련 rotation discipline (배치전환훈련)


마찰적실업 frictional unemployment

만기 due date ; maturity ; expiration

만성독성시험 chronic toxicity test

만성적 실업 chronic unemployment

맞벌이 가구 dual-income family(couple)

면책 immunity

면책조항 exemption clause

명목임금 nominal wage

명예산업안전감독관 honorary industrial safety inspector

명예퇴직제 (조기퇴직제) honorary retirement system ; early retirement system(scheme)

명의대여 street name

모성보호 maternity protection

모집 recruitment

모회사 parent company

목적세 objective tax; special purpose tax

목표관리 management by objective

몰성적(성을 고려하지 않은) gender blind

무급가족종사자 unpaid family workers

무급휴가 unpaid leave

무노동무임금 no work, no pay system(rule)

무노조기업 (무노조주의) nonunion firm (nonunionism)

무단효가 absent over leave(AOL)

무상교부 bonus issue

무상증자 increase of capital stock without consideration

무역수지 balance of trade

무역외수지 balance of invisible trade

무역의존도 degree of dependency upon foreign trade

무역자유화 trade liberalization

무역장벽 trade barrier

무역적자 trade deficit

무역흑자 trade surplus

무재해기록 zero-accident record

무재해운동 accident-free movement ; zero-accident campaign

무조건의 absolute, unconditional

무체재산 intangible property ; incorporeal property

물가지수 price index

물물교환 barter

물적원인 physical cause

물적증거 real evidence

물질안전보건자료 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

물품세 commodity tax

미관지구 aesthetic zone

미국국립안전보건연구원 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

미국보건사회국 Office of Health and Social Affairs(OHSA)

미국산업안전보건청 Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)

미국산업위생사협회 American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)

미국산업위생학회 American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)

미국안전협회 National Safety Council

미국연방규칙 Code of Federal Regulation(CFR)

미비준협약 unratified convention

미성년자 minor / person under 18 years of age

미숙련공 unskilled worker

민ㆍ형사상의 면책 civil or criminal immunity

민간고용알선기관 Private Employment Service (PRES)

민노총(민주노총) Korea Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU)

민법 civil law ; civil code

민사상 책임 civil liability

민영화 privatization

민원 civil petitions and complaints


반기보고서 semi-annual report

반노조주의 anti-unionism

반대의견 dissenting opinion

반대해석 interpretation by argument from the contrary

반복긴장성 손상 repetitive strain injuries(RSIs)

반숙련공 semi-skilled worker

반환 restitution

발기인 incorporator

발암성물질 carcinogenic substance

발암성추정물질 suspected carcinogen

방독마스크 anti-gas mask

방열복 heat protective gear

방진마스크 anti-dusk mask

방호장치 protective equipment

배치전환 transfer; reassignment

배타적 교섭제도 exclusive bargaining representation system (유일교섭단체)

법률문제 question of law (cf) question of fact

법률요건 legal requisite

법외조합 non-statutory union

법인 juristic person ; legal person

법인세 corporate tax

법정근로시간 statutory working hours ; legal working hours

변동환율제 floating(flexible) exchange rate system

변이원성 mutagenicity

변형근로시간제 flexible work-hour system ; flexible working (탄력적 근로시간제) hours arrangement ;

☞ 선택적 근로시간제, 재량근로제

보건관리 health management

보건관리대행기관 vicarious health service organization

보건관리업무 health management service

보건관리자 health manager

보건교육 health education

보고사항 matters to be reported

보도관(보고관) rapporteur

보복관세 retaliatory tax(duties)

보수청구권 right to claim remuneration

보안경 safety goggles(glasses)

보안면 face shield

보이콧(불참) boycott

보조금 subsidy ; grant(-in-aid)

보증 security

보험가입기간 the length of the period insured

보험급여 insurance benefit

보험사무조합 insurance affairs association

보험요율 premium rates

보호구 검정 certification of protective equipment

보호무역주의 protectionism

복리비 welfare expense

복수노조 multiple trade unions (cf) union pluralism

복지병 over-dependence on welfare

복지센터(장애인,고령자) day center

복지시설 welfare facilities

복직명령 reinstatement order

본안 판결 decision on the merits

본인 principal

본회의 plenary session(sitting) ; general meeting

부가가치노동생산성 value added labor productivity

부가적급부 fringe benefits

부당노동행위 unfair labor practice(s)

부당해고 unfair dismissal ; unjustifiable dismissal

부도어음 dishonored bill

부동산 real estate ; realty

부득이한 사정 unavoidable circumstances

부령 ministerial ordinance

부분파업 partial strike ; ☞ 전면파업 : full-scale strikes

부업활동(야간) moonlighting

부작위 non-feasance, omission

부재자 투표 absentee voting

부채 liabilities

부칙 supplementary provisions

분권화 decentralization

분쟁해결(절차) dispute settlement(procedure) ; dispute resolution

분진 dust

불가항력적 상황 authentic cases of force majeure

불공정거래 unfair transaction(trade)

불매운동 (consumer) boycott

불법파업 illegal strike ; outlaw strike

불완전 취업 underemployment

불완전경쟁 imperfect competition

불이익 취급 unfair treatment

불쾌지수 discomfort index

블루라운드 linkage between labor standards and trade (소위 Blue Round)

비가격경쟁력 non-price competitiveness

비공개법인 private corporation

비공인 파업 unofficial strike ; unauthorized strike ; wildcat strike

비관세장벽 non tariff barrier

비교우위 comparative advantage

비밀번호 personal identification number ; secret identification code ; password

비밀투표 secret ballot

비상연락망 emergency communication network

비상조치계획 emergency measures plan

비송사건 non-contentious case

비영리단체(법인) nonprofit corporation

비정규근로자 atypical worker ; non-regular worker ; irregular worker

비준 ratification

비준협약 ratified convention


3D (업종) dirty, dangerous & difficult jobs (cf) demean job

3자구성 (3자주의) tripartite composition (tripartism)

3자협의 tripartite consultation

4조 3교대제 four-crew-three-shift system

사고분석 accident analysis

사고율 accident rate

사내근로복지기금법 Employee Welfare Fund Act

사단법인 corporate juridical (juristic) person ; incorporated association

사망률 fatality(mortality) rate

사무국 secretariat ; office

사무직 근로자 clerical worker (and related worker) ; white collar worker

사무총장 Director General(ILO) ; Secretary General(UN)

사보타지 sabotage

사업내 직업훈련 in-plant training

사업장 단위노조 trade union at enterprise level

사업장 안전보건지침 workplace safety and health guideline

사업주 안전보건의무 safety and health responsibility of employer

사용자단체 employers' association ; employers' organization

사용자위원 employers' member ; management members

사전통보승인 prior informed consent(PIC)

사회개발정상회의 Social Summit

사회보장제도 social security programs

사회적대화 Social Dialogue

사회적보호 Social Protection

사회조항 social clause

사회지표 social indicator

사회헌장(EU) Social Charter ; social chapter

산별연맹 industrial federation of union

산술평균 arithmetic average

산업공동화 de-industrialization ; hollowing out of industry

산업교환(사업교환) Big Deal ; business swap

산업구조 industrial structure

산업기능요원 industrial technical personnel(staff)

산업기술연수생 industrial technical trainee

산업별 교섭 industry-wide bargaining

산업별 노조 industrial (trade) union

산업보건 industrial health

산업보건의 industrial physician

산업안전 industrial safety

산업안전․위생지도사 industrial safety & hygiene consultant

산업안전보건강조기간 industrial safety and health campaign period

산업안전보건관리비 industrial safety and health management expenses

산업안전보건법 Industrial Safety & Health Act

산업안전보건위원회 Industrial Safety & Health Committee

산업안전보건정책심의위원회 Industrial Safety and Health Policy Deliberation Committee

산업안전선진화 3개년계획 Three-year Plan for the Advancement of Safety and Health of Korean Industry

산업위생 industrial hygiene

산업의학전문의 industrial medicine doctor

산업재해 industrial accident

산업재해보상보험기금 Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Fund

산업재해보상보험법 Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act

산업재해보상보험심사관 Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Deliberation Officer

산업재해보상보험심의위원회 Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Deliberation Committee

산업재해예방계획 industrial accident prevention plan

산업재해예방기금 Industrial Accident Prevention Fund

산업재해통계 industrial accident statistics

산업조정정책 policy of regulating the industrial structure

산업평화 industrial peace

산재은폐 concealment of industrial accident

산전산후휴가 (출산휴가) maternity leave

산파 midwife

산학협동훈련 alternating training ; industrial-educational cooperation training

상계관세 countervailing duty

상계권 right to set-off

상공회의소 chamber of commerce and industry

상당한 기간 reasonable time

상무위원회 standing committee

상법 commercial law

상병보상연금 injury-disease compensation annuity

상속 inheritance, succession

상시근로자 full-time worker

상여금 bonus

상용근로자 regular employee

상장법인 listed corporation

상해 occupational injury

상환 redemption

생계보호 social assistance

생계비 subsistence allowance ; cost of living benefits

생리휴가 menstruation leave

생산성 (협상) productivity (bargaining)

생산요소 production factor

생활보호대상자 recipient of the livelihood protection scheme

서면결의 resolution by letters

서명날인 signed and seal affixed to

서문 preamble

선언 declaration

선원 seamen ; sea-farer

선임권 seniority rule

선입선출 first in first out

선택적 근로시간제 flex(i) time ; staggered office hours system

설립등기 registration of incorporation

설비투자 plant and equipment investment

성(사회적 관점) gender

성(생리적 관점) sex

성간 격차 gender gap

성공보수 contingent fee

성과급 performance based pay ; pay by results

성과배분방식 payment by the result(performance) system

성별분리자료 gender disaggregated data

성차별 sexual discrimination ; gender based discrimination

성평등 gender equality

성형평 gender equity

성희롱 sexual harassment

세계무역기구 World Trade Organization (WTO)

세계보고서 Global Report(ILO)

세계화 globalization ; segyehwa

세액공제 tax credit

소급임금 back pay

소급효 retrospective effect

소득 재분배 income redistribution

소득공제 deductions and exemptions

소득안정 income security

소득정책 income policy

소명 prima facie proof

소비성향 propensity to consume

소비자물가지수 consumer price index; CPI

소정급여일수 benefit duration ; benefit-paid days

소집통지 call convocation notice

손익분기점 break even point

손해배상청구 claim for damages ; injunction

송기마스크 air-supplied respirator

수급인 contractor

수급자격 qualifying conditions

수당 allowances

수수료 commission

수습기간 probationary period

수익자부담 benefit principle

수직적국제분업 vertical international specialization

수출보조금 domestic subsidy

수출지향산업 export-oriented industry

순환근무제 job rotation system

순환휴가 rotational leave

순회점검 periodic inspection

승낙서 written acknowledgement

시간가중평균 time weighted average(TWA)

시간급 hourly wage rates

☞ 시간급제도 time rate plan

시간연구 time study

시간외근로 overtime work

시간제근로자 part-time worker

시계열 time series

시위 demonstration ; picketing

시장점유율 market share

시중금리 market rate

시행규칙 enforcement regulation

시행명령 enforcement decree

시효 prescription, the period of limitation

시효의 중단 interruption of prescription

신규채용 동결 suspension of annual hiring

신규화학물질 new chemical substance(s)

신뢰 구축 confidence(trust) building

신분증명서 personal status certificates, ID card

신사협정 gentlemen's agreement

신용장 letter of credit (LC)

신체장애자 the disabled ; person with disability

신체장해등급 degree of disability

신탁 trust

신흥공업국 Newly Industrializing Countries (NICS) ; Newly Industrializing Economies (NIES)

실 근무시간 hours worked ; actual hours worked

실망실업자 despondent workers

실무위원회 working committee ; working group

실업(급여) unemployment (benefits)

실업대책전달체계 employment service network

실업률 unemployment rate

실업보험 unemployment insurance

실업신고 report of unemployment

실업인정 recognition of unemployment

실업자재취직훈련수당 reemployment training allowance

실적급 payment by accomplishments

실질임금 real wages


아급성독성시험 subacute toxicity test

아만성독성시험 subchronic toxicity test

아세안자유무역협정 ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (AFTA)

아시아태평양경제협력체 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

안전관리(자) safety management(manager)

안전교육 safety training ; safety education

안전기준 safety standards

안전담당자 person responsible for safety

안전대 safety belt

안전모 safety helmet

안전문화운동 Safety Culture Campaign

안전문화추진(중앙)위원회 (Central) Committee for Safety Culture Campaign

안전보건개선계획 safety and health improvement plan

안전보건경영체제 safety and health management system

안전보건관리규정 safety and health management regulations

안전보건관리책임자 comprehensive safety and health manager

안전보건교육 safety and health training

안전보건진단 safety and health diagnosis

안전보건총괄책임자 comprehensive safety and health head manager overseeing both direct & contract business

안전보건총괄책임자 safety and health head officer in contract business

안전비용 safety cost

안전성상형계획서 safety reports

안전성평가 safety assessment

안전수준 safety level

안전수칙 safety rules ; safety tips

안전의식 safety awareness(consciousness)

안전인증제도 safety certification system

안전장갑 safety gloves

안전진단 safety diagnosis

안전표지 safety sign

안전화 safety shoes

안정성장 stable (economic) growth

알선 referral ; placement

알선위원 conciliation officer

압력단체 pressure group

압축근무주일 compressed working week

액면주 face value ; par value stock

야간근로 night work (cf) 심야작업 midnight work(shift)

약관 standard forms

약식절차 summary proceedings

약어 abbreviation

약정금리 contracted (agreed) interest rate

양도 alienation, assignation

양도소득 capital gain

양보협상 concession bargaining

양성훈련 basic training

양질의 고용 Decent Work

양해각서 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

어용노조 yellow union ; company union ; white union

어음교환 clearing

어음할인 discounting of bill

업무 간소화 work simplification

업무 만족 job satisfaction ; work satisfaction

업무능률향상 enhanced job efficiency

업무상재해 employment injury ; occupational accident

에 관하여 in re

에 따라 as per

역학조사 epidemiological investigation

연감 yearbook ; almanac

연고모집 offering to limited person

연공급 seniority-linked wages ; seniority-based pay

연공서열제도 seniority-based promotion system

연구시찰단 study mission

연금 퇴직연령 pension plan retirement age

연금(수령자) pension(er)

연대쟁의 solidarity strike

연말배상 year-end dividend

연봉제 annual salary system

연소근로자 (연소자 근로) child labor ; juvenile labor

연장근로수당 overtime premium ; overtime pay ; overtime allowance

연차보고서 annual report

연차유급휴가 annual leave with pay ; annual paid leave

염색체이상시험 chromosome aberration test

영국 보건안전청 Health & Safety Executive (HSE)

영리법인 profit(-seeking) juristic person

영상표시단말기 Visual Display Terminal (VDT)

영세기업 micro-companies

영세산업(가내공업) cottage industry

영업외비용 non-operating expenses

영해 territorial sea

예방의학전문의 preventive medicine doctor

예비비 reserve fund

예비조사 preliminary investigation

예산사정 examination of budget

예컨대 exempli gratia (e.g.)

오픈숍 open shop

완전고용 full employment

외교특권 diplomatic privileges

외국인 근로자 대책협의회 the Joint Committee for migrant(foreign) worker

외국인 근로자(이민근로자) foreign worker (immigrant worker)

외부화 contracting out ; externalization of work

외삽법 extrapolation

외자도입 inducement of foreign capital(investment)

외적유연성 external flexibility

 내적유연성   internal flexibility
 기능적유연성   functional flexibility

요소비용 factor cost

요양급여 medical (care) benefits

요치 to attract, draw, lure

용인 assumption

용적률 floor-area ratio (FAR)

우대조치 preferential treatment

우리사주제도 employee stock ownership

우성치사시험 dominant lethal assay

우편번호 zip code

운영위원회 administrative(steering) committee

운임 freight

원금 principal ; (cf) 이자 : interest

원상회복 restitution

원수급인 (primary) contractor

원용하다 invoke

월차유급휴가 monthly leave with pay ; monthly paid leave

위기극복 to overcome(ride-out) crisis

위법행위 delict ; illegal act ; unlawful act ; misconduct

위약금 penalty for breach of contract

위약예정금지 prohibition of establishing penalty for nonperformance

위자료 damages for mental suffering

위장청구/취업 fraudulent claims

위장취업 fraudulent employment

위조 counterfeit ; forgery

위탁훈련 commissioned training

위헌 unconstitutional

위험 hazard ; peril ; risk ; danger

위험물 dangerous material ; hazardous material

위험상황신고 report of dangerous condition

위험수당 dangerous duty pay

유가증권 securities

유급교육훈련휴가 paid education & training leave ; paid holidays training

유급주휴 weekly paid leave ; weekly leave with pay

유급휴가 paid leave ; vacation with pay

유기용제(중독) organic solvent (poisoning)

유료직업소개사업 pay job placement service

유료직업소개소 pay employment agency; (cf) free employment agency

유엔환경계획 United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)

유연성 flexibility

유예기간 grace period

유족급여 survivor benefit

유족보상 survivor compensation

유족특별급여 special benefits for survivors

유지 maintenance

유통산업 distribution industry

유해물질 harmful substances

유해성조사보고결과보고서 hazardous chemical test result report

유해위험방지 prevention of harmfulness and danger

유해위험방지계획서 hazard and risk prevention plan

유해위험성평기 risk assessment

유해위험작업 harmful or hazardous work

유해작업 도급금지 prohibition of contract of harmful work

육아 nursing ; burden of chid care

육아시간 nursing hours

육아휴가 (남성근로자) paternity leave

육아휴직 child care leave ; parental leave

육아휴직(장려금) (bounty for) child-care leave

육체노동(자) (현업근로자) manual work(er)

의견서 written opinion

의결사항 matters subject to (council's) resolution

의사록 records (of proceedings) ; minutes

의사진행발언 points of order

의장 chairman ; chairperson

의정서 protocol

의전(관) protocol (officer)

의제 agenda (item)

이농 rural migration ; migration from rural community

이동직업훈련 mobile vocational training

이력서 curriculum vitae (CV) ; resume ; personal history

이사회(법인의) board ; board of directors (cf) Governing Body (ILO)

이윤배분제 profit sharing (cf) 이익배분제 gain sharing

이의 objection

이익분배제도 profit sharing system

이익분쟁 interests dispute

이주(외국인) 근로자 migrant workers

이주비 moving allowance

이중토의 double discussion (ILO) (cf) single discussion

이직 job-leaving ; separation

이직율 quit rate ; turnover rate

이탈자 runaways

이해관계자 interested parties

이행(시행) implementation

인가 approval ; authorization ; sanction ; license

인감 personal seal

인감증명 certificate of a registered seal(impression)

인건비 personnel expenses ; employment costs ; employees' compensation (美) ; labor cost

인권 civil right

인권규약 Covenant on the Human Rights

인권선언(UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights

인력(재)은행 job center (bank) ; human resource bank

인력수요 manpower demand ; labor demand

인력재배치지원금 subsidy for manpower reassignment

인사고과 employee evaluation (personnel) evaluation (cf) performance appraisal

인세 authors fee, royalty

인수도조건수출환어음 D/A bills(document against acceptance bills)

인수합병 merge & acquisition (M&A)

인적자원회계 Human Resources Accounting (HRA)

인정직업훈련 authorized vocational training

인증 attestation

인허가 official license

일반건강진단 general medical examination

일반토의 general discussion (ILO)

일사부재리 prohibition of double jeopardy

일시귀휴제 system of temporary release from work

☞ layoff

일시보상 lump-sum compensation

일시해고 layoff ; temporary dismissal

일용근로자 daily worker ; daily hire workers

일의공급 delivery of work

일차산업 primary industry

임금-물가연동제 pay indexation

임금격차 wage differential ; gap

임금경직성 rigidity of wages

임금대장 wage ledger ; payroll

임금동결 wage freeze ; pay freeze

임금물가악순환 wage-price spiral ; vicious cycle of wages and prices

임금압류통보 garnishment of wages

임금인플레이션 wage inflation; wage push inflation

임금지수 wage index

임금채권 claim right for wages

임금채권보장법 Wage Claim Guarantee Act

임금채권의 우선변제 priority of claim for payment of wages

임금체계 wage system

임금협상 pay(wage) round ; pay(wage) bargaining

임시건강진단 temporary health examination

임시고용 temporary employment

임시근로자 temporary worker ; casual worker ; temporary helper

임의조정 voluntary mediation

입양 adoption

입증책임 burden of proof

입직률 accession rate

입찰참가자격사전심사 prequalification (P.Q)

잉여인력 excess(redundant) workforce


자격검증 certification of qualification

자격급 wage for job qualification

자기자본률 own capital ratio

자기자본비율 equity-debt ration

자발적이직자 voluntary job leaves

자본과경영의 분리 separation between capital and administration

자본금 stated capital

자본자유화 liberalization of capital movements

자연실업률 natural rate of unemployment

자율안전인증제도(美 OSHA) Voluntary Protection Program(VPP)

자의적인 arbitrary

자체검사 self inspection

자회사 subsidiary company

작업반 working party

작업복 work clothes

작업중지 suspension of work

작업환경 평가기준 work environment evaluation standard

작업환경관리 working environment control

작업환경측정 working environment monitoring

잠재적 실업 latent (potential) unemployment

잠정권고 interim report

장기독성시험 long term toxicity test

장기실직자채용장려금 bounty for employing long-term unemployed

장사비 funeral benefits

장애인 handicapped ; physically disabled (person)

장애인고용부담금 handicapped employment levy

장애인고용촉진등에관한법 Act relating to Employment Promotion of the Handicapped

장해급여(보상) disability benefits (compensation)

장해등급 disability grade

재고용 re-employment ; recall

재고용장려금 bounty for re-employment

재고율 inventory-sales (shipments) ratio

재고자산 inventory assets

재단법인 incorporated foundation

재량근로제 discretionary work-hour system

재무제표 financial statement

재해강도율 accident severity rate

☞ 재해율 accident frequency rate

재해다발사업장 accident prone workplace

재해물적손실 material damage by accident

재해보상 accident(injury) compensation

재해원인 cause of accident

재해원인분류 classification of accident causes

재해율 accident rate

재해조사 accident investigation

쟁의행위 (찬반투표) industrial action (ballot)

쟁점사실 fact in issue

저당권 mortgage

저작권(침해) (infringement of) copyright

적립금 reserve fund

적용범위 scope of application

적응훈련지원금 subsidy for adaptation training

적정배치 applicable personnel allocation

전국경제인연합회 Federation of Korean Industries (FKI)

전국교직원노동조합 Chunkyojo (Korea Teachers & Educational Workers' Union)

전략산업 strategic industry

전문 preamble

전문인력취업정보센터 Employment Information Center for College Graduate

전직실업자 unemployed with (previous) job(work) career

전직지원프로그램 out-placement service program

전직훈련 retraining for job transfer

전직훈련지원금 subsidy for job transfer training

전차금상계금지 prohibition of offsetting wages with advances

전체환기장치 general ventilation equipment

전환사채 convertible bond (CB)

정근수당 allowance for good attendance

정기간행물 periodical

정기건강진단 regular medical examination

정기점검 regular check (inspection)

정년 retirement age ; age limit

정년연장 extension of retirement age

정년퇴직 mandatory retirement

정당한 사실 due cause

정도관리 quality control (산업안전)

정률급 piece-rate system

정리절차 reorganization procedure

정리해고 redundancy dismissal (severance) ; (경영상 이유로 한 해고) collective dismissal (for managerial reasons) ; employment adjustment (for managerial reasons)

정보화 사회 information society

정부대표 government delegate

정부중재협상 government-mediated ; brokered negotiation

정액급제도 time rate plan

정이사(ILO) titular(regular)member

정족수 quorum

정직 suspension from office

정책방향 policy orientation

정책협의기구 policy consultation body

정치파업 political strike

정치활동금지 prohibition of political activities

제3자 third party

제3자 개입금지 prohibition of the third party intervention

제도화 institutionalize

제안제도 suggestion scheme

제정법 statute

제조 또는 사용허가물질 permitted chemical (manufacture or use permitted chemicals)

제조금지물질 substance banned from manufacturing

조기재취직수당 early reemployment allowance

조사위원회 Commission of Inquire (ILO)

조업단축 reduction of operation

조정(調整) adjustment

조정(調停) mediation

조정전치주의 mediation preceding system (in industrial action)

조직노동자 organized labor

종가세 ad valorem duty

종량세 specific duty

종신고용 life-time employment ; permanent employment, life-time commitment

종업원지주제 employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)

종합금융회사 merchant bank

종합품질관리 total quality circle (TQC)

주5일근무제 5-day working week

주가지수 stock price index

주된영업의 장소 principal place of business

주둔군지위협정 Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA)

주문 formal adjudication

주의의무 duty of care and diligence

준법투쟁 work-to-rule

준전문가 associate expert (cf) 수습원 intern

중간재 intermediate goods

중간착취의 금지 prohibition of intermediary exploitation

중개인 broker

중대재해 serious accident ; major industrial accident ; fatal accident

중량물취급작업 manual material handling (MMH)

중소기업 medium and small (sized) enterprises

중소기업근로자복지진흥법 Welfare Promotion Act for the Workers in Small and Medium Enterprises

중소기업협동조합중앙회 Korea Federation of Small Business (KFSB)

중앙근로자복지정책위원회 Central Employer Welfare Policy Commission

중앙노동위원회 Central Labor Relations Commission

중앙노사협의회 Central Labor-Management Council

중앙집권적 교섭 centralized bargaining structure

중재(위원회) arbitration (committee)

중재결정 award of arbitration

지방노동위원회 Local Labor Relations Commission

지부 regional office

지역고용촉진지원금 subsidy for regional employment promotion

지역별노조 region-wide (regional) trade union

지적소유권 intellectual property right

지하경제 underground economy ; (cf) clandestine economy

직권으로 ex officio

직권중재 arbitration by authority ; ex officio arbitration

직급 rank (cf) 직위

직능급 capability-based pay ; skill-based pay ☞ time rate plan

직무급 job-based pay ; pay for job

직무기술서 job description ☞ job specification

직무분석 job analysis

직무평가 job evaluation(appraisal)

직무확대 job enlargement

직상수급인 immediate preceding contractor

직업교육훈련촉진법 Vocational Training Promotion Act

직업능력개발사업 vocational ability development program

직업능력개발수당 vocational ability development allowance

직업별 노조 occupation-wide(level) trade union

직업병 occupational disease

직업분류 occupational classification

직업상담 job referral

직업선택의 자유 freedom to choose and change one's occupation

직업소개소 employment placement agency ; employment office

직업안정기관 employment security organization ; employment agency

직업안정법 Employment Security Act

직업재활 vocational rehabilitation

직업적성 vocational aptitude

직업전환훈련지원금 subsidy for job conversion training

직업정보제공사업 job information business

직업지도 vocational guidance

직업훈련 vocational training

직업훈련교사 vocational training instructor

직업훈련기본법 Basic Vocational Training Act

직업훈련분담금 vocational training levy

직업훈련심의위원회 Vocational Training Deliberation Committee

직업훈련촉진기금 vocational training promotion fund

직원협의회 (직원조합) staff association ; employees' association

직위 position

직장내훈련(현장훈련) on-the-job-training (OJT) ; on-site training

직장보육시설(탁아소) workplace nursery ; workplace childcare center ; workplace day-care center

직장보육시설지원금 subsidy for workplace childcare center

직장외훈련 off-the-job-training

직장위원 shop steward

직장이동 job transition

직장폐쇄 lockout

직장협의회 workplace council(association)

직접비 direct cost

직접원인 direct cause

직종별노조 trade-wide union

진단서 medical certificate

진동 vibration

진로교육(지도) career education (guidance)

진폐 pneumoconiosis

진폐건강진단 pneumoconiosis health examination

진폐근로자 pneumoconiosis worker

진폐심의위원회 Pneumoconiosis Deliberation Committee

진폐의예방과진폐근로자의 Act on the Prevention of Peumoconiosis,

보호등에관한법률 Protection of Workers Suffering from Pneumoconiosis, and Related Issues

집단적 노사관계법 collective industrial relations acts

집단행동 collective action

집행력 enforcebility

징계 discipline

징계위원회 disciplinary committee

징계해고 disciplinary dismissal

징수 levy ; assessment ; collection


차관 credit

차별철폐조치 affirmative action (美)

착수금 earnest money

착취노동 bonded labor

창립총회 organization meeting

창업교육훈련지원금 subsidy for vocational training of business start-up

채무면제 acquittal

채무명의 title of obligation

채용 hiring ; selection

채용시 건강진단 pre-employment health examination

채용장려금 bounty for active recruitment

채택 adoption

철야협상 overnight talks

철회 revocation

첨서 (별지) rider

청구원인 grounds for petition, cause of action

초과근무수당 ☞ 연장근로수당

초기업단위노조 non-enterprise level trade union

초본 extract, partial copy

초안 draft

초임 starting pay ; starting salary ; initial pay scale

총분진 total dust

총액임금제 total wage system

총연합단체 confederation

총영사관 consulate general

총파업 general strike

최고 demand, peremptory notice

최고경영자 top manager ; chief executive officer (CEO)

최고노출기준 ceiling (C)

최대무작용량 no observed effect level (NOEL)

최대허용치 maximum permissible limit (MPL)

최저임금(제) minimum wage (system)

최저임금법 Minimum Wage Act

최저임금심의위원회 Minimum Wage Deliberation Committee

추가경정예산 supplementary budget

추락사고 fall accident

출근부 clock card ; attendance book

출산(유가)휴직 maternity leave

출산시기의 여성 child-bearing age

출산예정일 presumed date of birth

출산전휴가 premateral leave ;

☞ 출산후휴가 : postmateral leave

충당금 allowance reserve

취득시효 acquisitive prescription

취업규칙 rules of employment ; staff regulations ; work rules ; working rules

취업능력과 의사 able and willing to work

취업률 employment rate

취업박람회 job fair

취업상담원 job counsellor

취업시간내 during working hours

취직인허증 employment authorization certificate

취직촉진수당 employment promotion allowance


캐나다산업안전보건센타 Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)

케언즈그룹 (WTO) Cairns Group

클로우즈드숍 closed shop (cf) union shop


타당성조사 feasibility study

탄력성 elasticity

탄압 oppressing

탄핵 denunciation

태업 go slow ; slowdown ; soldiering

택지 building site

토목안전 civil engineering safety

통관 clearance

통근수당 commutation allowance

통상임금 ordinary wage ; normal wage

통일교섭 multi-employer bargaining

통행권 right of way

퇴직공제제도 mutual retirement aid system

퇴직금 retirement pay ; severance pay

퇴직급여충당금 retiring allowance reserve; reserves for retirement allowance

퇴직수당 retirement benefit

퇴출 drive out (of business)

투표 poll, vote

특권 franchise, immunity, privilege

특별안전교육 special safety training (education)

특별조정위원 Ad Hoc Adjustment Commissioner

특별회계 special account

특수건강진단 special medical examination

특수건강진단기관 special medical examination service

특수근무수당 allowance for specific working conditions

특수작업수당 special service allowance

특수화학설비 special chemical facilities

특정화학물질 specifically regulated chemicals


파견 dispatch, leasing (service) ☞ 근로자 파견

파견근로자보호등에 Act Relating to Protection ect. for Dispatched

관한법률 Workers

파산선고 adjudication of bankruptcy

파업 strike

 퇴거파업   walk-out strike      
 연좌파업   sit-down strike      
 항의파업   protest strike      
 단식파업   hunger strike 

파업기금 (쟁의기금) strike fund

파업기간중 채용제한 restriction on hiring during the period ofstrike

판례 judicial case(precedent)

패턴교섭 (유형별 교섭) pattern bargaining

편람 manual

평결 verdict

평균(값) mean (cf) mode (최빈값) ; median (중간값)

평균임금 average wage

평노조원 rank and file unionists

평생교육 lifelong education ; continuing education

폐기통보 denunciation

폐지(법률) abrogation

포기하다 waive

표시가격 list price

표절 piracy

표준생계비 standard cost of living

표준편차 standard deviation

피고용율 rate of the employment

피보험단위기간 unit period of insurance

피보험자 the insured ☞ 보험계약자 : policy holder

피선자격 election eligibility criteria

피용자보수 compensation of employees

피케팅 picketing

필요조건 sine qua non

필수공익사업 essential services


하도급 subcontracting

하수급인 subcontractor

하자담보 warranty against vices

하향경직성 price rigidity in the downward direction

학대 abuse ; cruelty

학점인정제도 credit bank system

한계근로자 marginal workers

한계기업 marginal subsidiaries

한계생산비 marginal cost

한계소비성향 marginal propensity to consume

한국경영자총협회 Korea Employers' Federation (KEF)

한국교원노조 Korean Union of Teaching and Educational Workers

한국교원단체총연합회 Korea Confederation of Teachers' Organization (KCTO)

한국국제노동재단 Korea International Labor Foundation (KOILAF)

한국국제협력단 Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)

한국노동교육원 Korea Labor Education Institute (KLEI)

한국노동연구원 Korea Labor Institute (KLI)

한국노동조합총연맹 Federation of Korea Trade Unions (FKTU)

한국무역협회 Korea Trade Association

한국산업안전공단 Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency(KOSHA)

한국산업인력공단 Human Resource Development Service of Korea (HRD-Korea)

한국생산성본부 Korea Productivity Center

한국장애인고용촉진공단 Korea Employment Promotion Agency for the Disabled

한미경제협력대화 Dialogue for Korea-US Economic Cooperation (DEC)

할당 quota

합동위원회(SOFA) joint committee

합병 merger ; amalgamation

합병증 complication

합의각서 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

합작 joint venture

해고 dismissal ; sack

해고예고 advance notice of dismissal

해고자 복직 reinstatement of dismissed worker

해고통지서 dismissal notice ; pink slip

해산 (명령) dissolution (order)

해약권 right to terminate

해제조건 resolution condition

해태 default, lashes, omission

핵심근로기준 core(fundamental) labor standards

행정고시 Senior Entrance Examination for Administrative Service

행정지도 administrative guidance

향상훈련 upgrade training

허용기준 permissible exposure limits (PEL)

허용농도 permissible concentration level

허용한계치(노출기준) threshold limit value (TLVs)

현물출자 contribution in kind

현장안전교육 on-the-job safety training

협동조합 cooperative ; co-op

협약(ILO) Convention

협의사항 matters subject to consultation

형성력 formative effect

호봉 salary step

호적 family register

호혜 reciprocity

호흡성분진 respirable dust

혼동하다 to mix up, commingle

화의 composition

화학물질 이름 명명법 international union of pure and applied chemistry (IUPAC)

화학설비(자체검사) (self inspection of) chemical facilities

화학적위험 chemical hazard

확정기한 time certain

확정신고 final return

확정판결 final judgement

환경요인 ambient factors

환송 remand

환율 exchange rate

황견계약(비열계약) yellow-dog contract

회계감사 audit

회계년도 fiscal year

회기 session

회원국 Member States(Economy) ; members

회의 meeting

 각료급   cabinet or high level 
 강습/연구회   workshop
 고위급   senior officials ; high-level ; ranking
 비공식   informal
 실무자   working level
 전문가   experts group
 정상/국가 수뇌   summit
 준비   preparatory
 진상조사   fact finding
 토론/좌담   symposium
 학술/연수회   seminar
 후반/계속   follow-up
 훈련/강의/토의   training/orientation

회의록 minutes ☞ 의사록

회피 refrainment

횡령 conversion, embezzlement

효용 utility

후견인 legal guardian ; patron

후생비 welfare expense

후일자 antedate

후자 the latter

훈련 voucher 제도 training voucher system

훈령 directives

훈시규정 directory provision

휴가 leave ; vacation

휴게 rest ; recess

휴식 breaks

휴양 nursing

휴업 temporary shutdown

휴업급여 shutdown benefits

휴업보상 compensation for suspension of work

휴업수당지원금 subsidy for temporary shutdown allowance

휴일 holiday(s)

휴직 suspension from service ; leave of absence

흡수합병 merger