본문으로 이동

사용자:Chan Sung-Min

위키낱말사전, 말과 글의 누리
local export = {}

local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub local sub = mw.ustring.sub local match = mw.ustring.match

local system_list = { { 1, ["type"] = "phonetic", ["name"] = "IPA" }, { 2, ["type"] = "orthographic", ["name"] = "MLCTS" }, { 3, ["type"] = "orthographic", ["name"] = "ALA-LC" }, { 4, ["type"] = "phonetic", ["name"] = "BGN/PCGN" }, { 5, ["type"] = "phonetic", ["name"] = "Okell" }, }

local initial_table = { ["က"] = { "k", "k", "k", "k", "k" }, ["ကျ"] = { "t͡ɕ", "ky", "ky", "ky", "c" }, ["ကြ"] = { "t͡ɕ", "kr", "kr", "ky", "c" }, ["ကျွ"] = { "t͡ɕw", "kyw", "kyv", "kyw", "cw" }, ["ကြွ"] = { "t͡ɕw", "krw", "krv", "kyw", "cw" }, ["ကွ"] = { "kw", "kw", "kv", "kw", "kw" }, ["ခ"] = { "kʰ", "hk", "kh", "hk", "hk" }, ["ချ"] = { "t͡ɕʰ", "hky", "khy", "ch", "hc" }, ["ခြ"] = { "t͡ɕʰ", "hkr", "khr", "ch", "hc" }, ["ချွ"] = { "t͡ɕʰw", "hkyw", "khyv", "chw", "hcw" }, ["ခြွ"] = { "t͡ɕʰw", "hkrw", "khrv", "chw", "hcw" }, ["ခွ"] = { "kʰw", "hkw", "khv", "hkw", "hkw" }, ["ဂ"] = { "ɡ", "g", "g", "g", "g" }, ["ဂျ"] = { "d͡ʑ", "gy", "gy", "gy", "j" }, ["ဂြ"] = { "d͡ʑ", "gr", "gr", "gy", "j" }, ["ဂျွ"] = { "d͡ʑw", "gyw", "gyv", "gyw", "jw" }, ["ဂွ"] = { "ɡw", "gw", "gv", "gw", "gw" }, ["ဃ"] = { "ɡ", "gh", "gh", "g", "g" }, ["င"] = { "ŋ", "ng", "ṅ", "ng", "ng" }, ["ငှ"] = { "ŋ̊", "hng", "ṅh", "hng", "hng" }, ["ငြ"] = { "ɲ", "ngr", "ṅr", "ny", "ny" }, ["ငြှ"] = { "ɲ̊", "hngr", "ṅrh", "hny", "hny" }, ["ငွ"] = { "ŋw", "ngw", "ṅv", "ngw", "ngw" }, ["ငွှ"] = { "ŋ̊w", "hngw", "ṅvh", "hngw", "hngw" }, ["စ"] = { "s", "c", "c", "s", "s" }, ["စွ"] = { "sw", "cw", "cv", "sw", "sw" }, ["ဆ"] = { "sʰ", "hc", "ch", "hs", "hs" }, ["ဆွ"] = { "sʰw", "hcw", "chv", "hsw", "hsw" }, ["ဇ"] = { "z", "j", "j", "z", "z" }, ["ဇွ"] = { "zw", "jw", "jv", "zw", "zw" }, ["ဈ"] = { "z", "jh", "jh", "z", "z" }, ["ဉ"] = { "ɲ", "ny", "ñ", "ny", "ny" }, ["ည"] = { "ɲ", "ny", "ññ", "ny", "ny" }, ["ဉှ"] = { "ɲ̊", "hny", "ñh", "hny", "hny" }, ["ညှ"] = { "ɲ̊", "hny", "ññh", "hny", "hny" }, ["ညွ"] = { "ɲw", "nyw", "ñv", "nyw", "nyw" }, ["ညွှ"] = { "ɲ̊w", "hnyw", "ñvh", "hnyw", "hnyw" }, ["ဋ"] = { "t", "t", "ṭ", "t", "t" }, ["ဌ"] = { "tʰ", "ht", "ṭh", "ht", "ht" }, ["ဍ"] = { "d", "d", "ḍ", "d", "d" }, ["ဎ"] = { "d", "dh", "ḍh", "d", "d" }, ["ဏ"] = { "n", "n", "ṇ", "n", "n" }, ["ဏှ"] = { "n̥", "hn", "ṇh", "hn", "hn" }, ["တ"] = { "t", "t", "t", "t", "t" }, ["တျ"] = { "tj", "ty", "ty", "ty", "ty" }, ["တြ"] = { "tɹ", "tr", "tr", "tr", "tr" }, ["တွ"] = { "tw", "tw", "tv", "tw", "tw" }, ["ထ"] = { "tʰ", "ht", "th", "ht", "ht" }, ["ထွ"] = { "tʰw", "htw", "thv", "htw", "htw" }, ["ဒ"] = { "d", "d", "d", "d", "d" }, ["ဒျ"] = { "dj", "dy", "dy", "dy", "dy" }, ["ဒြ"] = { "dɹ", "dr", "dr", "dr", "dr" }, ["ဒွ"] = { "dw", "dw", "dv", "dw", "dw" }, ["ဓ"] = { "d", "dh", "dh", "d", "d" }, ["န"] = { "n", "n", "n", "n", "n" }, ["နှ"] = { "n̥", "hn", "nh", "hn", "hn" }, ["နျ"] = { "nj", "ny", "ny", "ny", "ny" }, ["နွ"] = { "nw", "nw", "nv", "nw", "nw" }, ["နွှ"] = { "n̥w", "hnw", "nvh", "hnw", "hnw" }, ["ပ"] = { "p", "p", "p", "p", "p" }, ["ပျ"] = { "pj", "py", "py", "py", "py" }, ["ပြ"] = { "pj", "pr", "pr", "py", "py" }, ["ပြွ"] = { "pw", "prw", "prv", "pw", "pw" }, ["ပွ"] = { "pw", "pw", "pv", "pw", "pw" }, ["ဖ"] = { "pʰ", "hp", "ph", "hp", "hp" }, ["ဖျ"] = { "pʰj", "hpy", "phy", "hpy", "hpy" }, ["ဖြ"] = { "pʰj", "hpr", "phr", "hpy", "hpy" }, ["ဖွ"] = { "pʰw", "hpw", "phv", "hpw", "hpw" }, ["ဗ"] = { "b", "b", "b", "b", "b" }, ["ဗျ"] = { "bj", "by", "by", "by", "by" }, ["ဗြ"] = { "bj", "br", "br", "by", "by" }, ["ဗွ"] = { "bw", "bw", "bv", "bw", "bw" }, ["ဘ"] = { "b", "bh", "bh", "b", "b" }, ["-ဘ"] = { "pʰ", "bh", "bh", "hp", "hp" }, ["ဘွ"] = { "bw", "bhw", "bhv", "bw", "bw" }, ["-ဘွ"] = { "pʰw", "bhw", "bhw", "hpw", "hpw" }, ["မ"] = { "m", "m", "m", "m", "m" }, ["မှ"] = { "m̥", "hm", "mh", "hm", "hm" }, ["မျ"] = { "mj", "my", "my", "my", "my" }, ["မျှ"] = { "m̥j", "hmy", "myh", "hmy", "hmy" }, ["မြ"] = { "mj", "mr", "mr", "my", "my" }, ["မြှ"] = { "m̥j", "hmr", "mrh", "hmy", "hmy" }, ["မြွ"] = { "mjw", "mrw", "mrv", "myw", "myw" }, ["မြွှ"] = { "m̥w", "hmrw", "mrvh", "hmw", "hmw" }, ["မွ"] = { "mw", "mw", "mv", "mw", "mw" }, ["မွှ"] = { "m̥w", "hmw", "mvh", "hmw", "hmw" }, ["ယ"] = { "j", "y", "y", "y", "y" }, ["ယှ"] = { "ʃ", "hy", "yh", "sh", "hy" }, ["သျှ"] = { "ʃ", "hsy", "syh", "sh", "hy" }, ["ယွ"] = { "jw", "yw", "yv", "yw", "yw" }, ["ရ"] = { "j", "r", "r", "y", "y" }, ["*ရ"] = { "ɹ", "r", "r", "r", "r" }, ["ရှ"] = { "ʃ", "hr", "rh", "sh", "hy" }, ["ရွ"] = { "jw", "rw", "rv", "yw", "yw" }, ["ရွှ"] = { "ʃw", "hrw", "rvh", "shw", "hyw" }, ["လ"] = { "l", "l", "l", "l", "l" }, ["လှ"] = { "l̥", "hl", "lh", "hl", "hl" }, ["လျ"] = { "j", "ly", "ly", "y", "y" }, ["+သျှ"] = { "j", "hsy", "syh", "y", "y" }, ["*လျ"] = { "lj", "ly", "ly", "ly", "ly" }, ["လျှ"] = { "ʃ", "hly", "lyh", "sh", "hy" }, ["*လျှ"] = { "l̥j", "hly", "lyh", "hly", "hly" }, ["လွ"] = { "lw", "lw", "lv", "lw", "lw" }, ["လွှ"] = { "l̥w", "hlw", "lvh", "hlw", "hlw" }, ["ဝ"] = { "w", "w", "v", "w", "w" }, ["ဝှ"] = { "ʍ", "hw", "vh", "hw", "hw" }, ["သ"] = { "θ", "s", "s", "th", "th" }, ["+သ"] = { "ð", "s", "s", "dh", "th" }, ["သွ"] = { "θw", "sw", "sv", "thw", "thw" }, ["+သွ"] = { "ðw", "sw", "sw", "dhw", "thw" }, ["ဟ"] = { "h", "h", "h", "h", "h" }, ["ဟွ"] = { "hw", "hw", "hv", "hw", "hw" }, ["ဠ"] = { "l", "l", "ḷ", "l", "l" }, ["အ"] = { "ʔ", "", "ʼ", "", "" }, -- only appears after a vowel in the same word ["ဿ"] = { "ʔθ", "ss", "ss", "tth", "ʔth" }, [""] = { "ʔ", "", "", "", "" }, ["-"] = { "", "", "", "", "" },

["ျ"] = { nil, "y", "y", nil, nil }, ["ြ"] = { nil, "r", "r", nil, nil }, ["ွ"] = { nil, "w", "w", nil, nil }, }

local initial_voicing = { ["+က"] = "ဂ", ["+ခ"] = "ဂ", ["+စ"] = "ဇ", ["+ဆ"] = "ဇ", ["+ဋ"] = "ဍ", ["+ဌ"] = "ဍ", ["+တ"] = "ဒ", ["+ထ"] = "ဒ", ["+ပ"] = "ဗ", ["+ဖ"] = "ဗ", ["-ဘ"] = "ဖ", }

local final_table = { [""] = { "a̰", "a.", "a", "a.", "á" }, ["က်"] = { "ɛʔ", "ak", "akʻ", "et", "eʔ" }, ["င်"] = { "ɪ̀ɴ", "ang", "aṅʻ", "in", "iñ" }, ["စ်"] = { "ɪʔ", "ac", "acʻ", "it", "iʔ" }, ["ည်"] = { "ì", "any", "aññʻ", "i", "i" }, ["ည်2"] = { "è", "any", "aññʻ", "e", "ei" }, ["ည်3"] = { "ɛ̀", "any", "aññʻ", "è", "e" }, ["ဉ်"] = { "ɪ̀ɴ", "any", "añʻ", "in", "iñ" }, ["တ်"] = { "aʔ", "at", "atʻ", "at", "aʔ" }, ["န်"] = { "àɴ", "an", "anʻ", "an", "añ" }, ["ပ်"] = { "aʔ", "ap", "apʻ", "at", "aʔ" }, ["မ်"] = { "àɴ", "am", "amʻ", "an", "añ" }, ["ယ်"] = { "ɛ̀", "ai", "ayʻ", "è", "e" }, ["ံ"] = { "àɴ", "am", "aṃ", "an", "añ" }, ["ာ"] = { "à", "a", "ā", "a", "a" }, ["ါ"] = { "à", "a", "ā", "a", "a" }, ["ိ"] = { "ḭ", "i.", "i", "i.", "í" }, ["ိတ်"] = { "eɪʔ", "it", "itʻ", "eik", "eiʔ" }, ["ိန်"] = { "èɪɴ", "in", "inʻ", "ein", "eiñ" }, ["ိပ်"] = { "eɪʔ", "ip", "ipʻ", "eik", "eiʔ" }, ["ိမ်"] = { "èɪɴ", "im", "imʻ", "ein", "eiñ" }, ["ိံ"] = { "èɪɴ", "im", "iṃ", "ein", "eiñ" }, ["ီ"] = { "ì", "i", "ī", "i", "i" }, ["ု"] = { "ṵ", "u.", "u", "u.", "ú" }, ["ုတ်"] = { "oʊʔ", "ut", "utʻ", "ok", "ouʔ" }, ["ုန်"] = { "òʊɴ", "un", "unʻ", "on", "ouñ" }, ["ုပ်"] = { "oʊʔ", "up", "upʻ", "ok", "ouʔ" }, ["ုမ်"] = { "òʊɴ", "um", "umʻ", "on", "ouñ" }, ["ုံ"] = { "òʊɴ", "um", "uṃ", "on", "ouñ" }, ["ူ"] = { "ù", "u", "ū", "u", "u" }, ["ေ"] = { "è", "e", "e", "e", "ei" }, ["ဲ"] = { "ɛ́", "ai:", "ai", "è:", "è" }, ["ော"] = { "ɔ́", "au:", "o", "aw:", "ò" }, ["ောက်"] = { "aʊʔ", "auk", "okʻ", "auk", "auʔ" }, ["ောင်"] = { "àʊɴ", "aung", "oṅʻ", "aung", "auñ" }, ["ော်"] = { "ɔ̀", "au", "oʻ", "aw", "o" }, ["ို"] = { "ò", "ui", "ui", "o", "ou" }, ["ိုက်"] = { "aɪʔ", "uik", "uikʻ", "aik", "aiʔ" }, ["ိုင်"] = { "àɪɴ", "uing", "uiṅʻ", "aing", "aiñ" }, ["ွတ်"] = { "ʊʔ", "wat", "vatʻ", "ut", "uʔ" }, ["ွန်"] = { "ʊ̀ɴ", "wan", "vanʻ", "un", "uñ" }, ["ွပ်"] = { "ʊʔ", "wap", "vapʻ", "ut", "uʔ" }, ["ွမ်"] = { "ʊ̀ɴ", "wam", "vamʻ", "un", "uñ" }, ["ွံ"] = { "ʊ̀ɴ", "wam", "vaṃ", "un", "uñ" }, ["'"] = { "ə", "a", "a", "ă", "ă" }, ["်"] = { "", "", "ʻ", "", "" }, }

local nucleus_table = { [""] = { "à", "a", "a", "a", "a" }, ["ိ"] = { "ì", "i", "i", "i", "i" }, ["ု"] = { "ù", "u", "u", "u", "u" }, ["ော"] = { "ɔ̀", "au", "o", "aw", "o" }, ["ေါ"] = { "ɔ̀", "au", "o", "aw", "o" }, ["ွ"] = { "ʊ̀", "wa", "va", "u", "u" }, }

local indep_letter_table = { ["ဣ"] = { "ḭ", "i.", "i", "i.", "í" }, ["ဤ"] = { "ì", "i", "ī", "i", "i" }, ["ဥ"] = { "ṵ", "u.", "u", "u.", "ú" }, ["ဦ"] = { "ù", "u", "ū", "u", "u" }, ["ဧ"] = { "è", "e", "e", "e", "ei" }, ["၏"] = { "ɛ̰", "e", "e*", "è.", "é" }, ["ဩ"] = { "ɔ́", "au:", "o", "aw:", "ò" }, ["ဪ"] = { "ɔ̀", "au", "oʻ", "aw", "o" }, ["၌"] = { "n̥aɪʔ", "hnai.", "n*", "hnaik", "hnaiʔ" }, ["၍"] = { "jwḛ", "rwe", "r*", "ywe.", "yweí" }, }

local tone_table = { ["း"] = { "́", ":", "″", ":", "̀" }, ["့"] = { "̰", ".", "′", ".", "́" }, }

local ambig_intersyl = { [1] = { },

[2] = { ["ky"] = 1, ["kr"] = 1, ["kw"] = 1, ["gy"] = 1, ["gr"] = 1, ["gw"] = 1, ["ng"] = 1, ["ny"] = 1, ["cw"] = 1, ["tw"] = 1, ["nw"] = 1, ["py"] = 1, ["pr"] = 1, ["pw"] = 1, ["my"] = 1, ["mr"] = 1, ["mw"] = 1, },

[3] = { },

[4] = { ["ky"] = 1, ["kr"] = 1, ["kw"] = 1, ["gy"] = 1, ["gr"] = 1, ["gw"] = 1, ["ng"] = 1, ["ny"] = 1, ["cw"] = 1, ["tw"] = 1, ["nw"] = 1, ["tr"] = 1, ["tw"] = 1, ["py"] = 1, ["pr"] = 1, ["pw"] = 1, ["my"] = 1, ["mr"] = 1, ["mw"] = 1, },

[5] = { ["ou"] = 1, }, }

local reverse_table = { ["hm"] = "မှ", ["m"] = "မ", ["hn"] = "နှ", ["n"] = "န", ["hny"] = "ညှ", ["ny"] = "ည", ["hng"] = "ငှ", ["ng"] = "င", ["p"] = "ပ", ["hp"] = "ဖ", ["b"] = "ဗ", ["t"] = "တ", ["ht"] = "ထ", ["d"] = "ဒ", ["c"] = "ကျ", ["hc"] = "ချ", ["j"] = "ဂျ", ["k"] = "က", ["hk"] = "ခ", ["g"] = "ဂ", [""] = "အ", ["th"] = "သ", ["+th"] = "+သ", ["s"] = "စ", ["hs"] = "ဆ", ["z"] = "ဇ", ["hy"] = "ရှ", ["h"] = "ဟ", ["r"] = "*ရ", ["y"] = "ယ", ["hw"] = "ဝှ", ["w"] = "ဝ", ["hl"] = "လှ", ["l"] = "လ", ["hmw"] = "မွှ", ["mw"] = "မွ", ["hmy"] = "မျှ", ["my"] = "မျ", ["hnw"] = "နွှ", ["nw"] = "နွ", ["hnyw"] = "ညွှ", ["nyw"] = "ညွ", ["hngw"] = "ငွှ", ["ngw"] = "ငွ", ["pw"] = "ပွ", ["hpw"] = "ဖွ", ["bw"] = "ဗွ", ["py"] = "ပျ", ["hpy"] = "ဖျ", ["by"] = "ဗျ", ["tw"] = "တွ", ["htw"] = "ထွ", ["dw"] = "ဒွ", ["cw"] = "ကျွ", ["hcw"] = "ချွ", ["jw"] = "ဂျွ", ["kw"] = "ကွ", ["hkw"] = "ခွ", ["gw"] = "ဂွ", ["thw"] = "သွ", ["sw"] = "စွ", ["hsw"] = "ဆွ", ["zw"] = "ဇွ", ["hyw"] = "ရွှ", ["hw"] = "ဟွ", ["yw"] = "ယွ", ["hlw"] = "လွှ", ["lw"] = "လွ", ["hly"] = "*လျှ", ["ly"] = "*လျ",

["i"] = "ီ", ["i\\"] = "ီး", ["i/"] = "ိ", ["i?"] = "စ်", ["i~"] = "င်", ["i\\~"] = "င်း", ["i/~"] = "င့်", ["ei"] = "ေ", ["ei\\"] = "ေး", ["ei/"] = "ေ့", ["ei?"] = "ိတ်", ["ei~"] = "ိန်", ["ei\\~"] = "ိန်း", ["ei/~"] = "ိန့်", ["e"] = "ယ်", ["e\\"] = "ဲ", ["e/"] = "ယ့်", ["e?"] = "က်", ["ai~"] = "ိုင်", ["ai\\~"] = "ိုင်း", ["ai/~"] = "ိုင့်", ["ai?"] = "ိုက်", ["a"] = "ာ", ["a\\"] = "ား", ["a/"] = "", ["a?"] = "တ်", ["a~"] = "န်", ["a\\~"] = "န်း", ["a/~"] = "န့်", ["o"] = "ော်", ["o\\"] = "ော", ["o/"] = "ော့", ["au?"] = "ောက်", ["au~"] = "ောင်", ["au\\~"] = "ောင်း", ["au/~"] = "ောင့်", ["ou"] = "ို", ["ou\\"] = "ိုး", ["ou/"] = "ို့", ["ou?"] = "ုပ်", ["ou~"] = "ုန်", ["ou\\~"] = "ုန်း", ["ou/~"] = "ုန့်", ["u"] = "ူ", ["u\\"] = "ူး", ["u/"] = "ု", ["u?"] = "ွတ်", ["u~"] = "ွန်", ["u\\~"] = "ွန်း", ["u/~"] = "ွန့်", ["a'"] = "'", }

local repl_string = "([ကခဂဃငစဆဇဈဉညဋဌဍဎဏတထဒဓနပဖဗဘမယရလဝသဟဠအဿ][ျြွှ]*[ံ့းွာါါိီုူေဲ]*)([ကခဂဃငစဆဇဈဉညဋဌဍဎဏတထဒဓနပဖဗဘမယရလဝသဟဠအဿ][့]?[^့်္])"

function syllabify(text) text = gsub(text, "('?)([%+%-%*]*)", function(a, b) if a .. b ~= "" then return a .. " " .. b end end)

text = gsub(text, "([ဣဤဥဦဧဩဪ၏၌၍][့း်]?)(.?)(.?)", function(a, b, c) return (c == "္" and " "..a..b.." "..c or (c == "်" and " "..a..b..c or " "..a.." "..b..c)) end) .. " "

text = gsub(text, "(်း?'?)", "%1 ") text = gsub(text, "([း့])([ကခဂဃငစဆဇဈဉညဋဌဍဎဏတထဒဓနပဖဗဘမယရလဝသဟဠအ]်)", "%2%1")

while match(text, repl_string) do text = gsub(text, repl_string, "%1 %2") end

text = gsub(text, "္", " , ") text = gsub(text, " +", " ") text = gsub(text, "^ ?(.*[^ ]) ?$", "%1") text = gsub(text, " , ", " ") text = gsub(text, " ([23])", "%1") return text end

function initial_by_char(initial_string, system_index, ref_table) local initial_set = {} for character in mw.text.gsplit(initial_string, "") do local temp_initial = ref_table[character] or error("Initial data not found.") table.insert(initial_set, temp_initial[system_index] or temp_initial) end return table.concat(initial_set) end

function generate_respelling(text) text = gsub(text, " ", "   ") text = gsub(text, "ါ", "ာ") if match(text, "[က-႟ꩠ-ꩻ]") then return text end text = gsub(text, "(%+?)([^%?%+'/\\~aeiou ]*)(/?)([%?'/\\~aeiou]+)", function(voicing_mark, latin_initial, opt_sep, latin_final) return voicing_mark .. (reverse_table[latin_initial] or initial_by_char(latin_initial, nil, reverse_table)) .. opt_sep .. reverse_table[latin_final] end) return text end

function process(initial, final, tone, schwa, system, system_index) if match(initial .. final, "ွှ?[တနပမံ]") and system["type"] == "phonetic" then initial = gsub(initial, "[ွ/]", "") final = "ွ" .. final else initial = gsub(initial, "/", "") end

initial_new = system["type"] == "phonetic" and gsub(initial, "%+.", initial_voicing) or initial

if indep_letter_table[initial_new] then initial_new = match(initial_new, "[၌၍]") and "-" or "" final = initial .. final end if initial_new == "မြွ" then require('Module:debug').track('my-pron/mrw') end

initial_data = initial_table[initial_new] or initial_table[gsub(initial_new, "[%+%-%*]", "")] or (system["type"] == "orthographic" and initial_by_char(initial_new, system_index, initial_table) or error("Initial data not found."))

initial_value = initial_data[system_index] or initial_data

if match(initial, "^%+") and system_index == 5 then initial_value = initial_table[gsub(initial, "%+", "")][system_index] initial_value = gsub(initial_value, "^([^rwy]+)", "%1") end

final_data = final_table[system["type"] .. schwa == "phonetic'" and schwa or final] or (system["type"] == "phonetic" and (final_table[final .. "်"] or indep_letter_table[final]) or indep_letter_table[final]) or gsub(final, "^([^်]*)([^်])(်?)$", function(first, second, third) first_data = nucleus_table[first] or final_table[first] or indep_letter_table[first] or first second_data = initial_table[second] or second first = first_data ~= first and first_data[system_index] or first second = second_data ~= second and second_data[system_index] .. ((system_index == 3 and third ~= "") and "ʻ" or "") or second return (gsub(first .. second, "([%.:])(.*)", "%2")) end)

final_value = type(final_data) == "table" and final_data[system_index] or final_data final_value = mw.ustring.toNFD(final_value) if tone == "" then tone_value = "" else if system_index ~= 4 then final_value = gsub(final_value, "̀", "") end final_value = gsub(final_value, "[́:%.]", "") if system["type"] .. schwa == "phonetic'" then tone_value = "" else tone_data = tone_table[tone] or error("Tone data not found.") tone_value = tone_data[system_index] end end

if system_index == 1 then final_value = gsub(final_value, "^([aeəɛiɪoɔuʊ])", "%1" .. tone_value) elseif system_index == 5 then final_value = gsub(final_value, "([aeiou])([^aeiou]*)$", "%1" .. tone_value .. "%2") else final_value = final_value .. tone_value end

return mw.ustring.toNFC(initial_value .. final_value) end

function remove_wide_space(text) return (gsub(text, " ", "")) end

function concatenate(set, system_index) if system_index == 1 then return remove_wide_space(table.concat(set)) end result_text = remove_wide_space(table.concat(set, " "))

for count = 1, 3 do result_text = gsub(result_text, "(.) (.)([^ ]?)", function(previous, next, after_next) if ambig_intersyl[system_index][previous .. next] or ((system_index == 2 or system_index == 4) and (match(previous .. " " .. next, "[ptkgmngy] [aeiou]") or (match(previous .. next .. after_next, "[aeiou][ptkmn][rwyg]") and not match(after_next, "[aeiou]")))) then return previous .. "-" .. next .. after_next else return previous .. next .. after_next end end) end

return result_text end

function export.get_romanisation(word, pronunciations, system, system_index, mode) local sentences = {} word = gsub(word, " ", "|") if system["type"] == "phonetic" then word = gsub(word, "ဿ", "တ်သ") end word = syllabify(word) word = gsub(word, "ါ", "ာ") if system["type"] == "phonetic" then word = gsub(word, "ဝ([တနပမံ])", "ဝွ%1") end for phrase in mw.text.gsplit(word, "|", true) do local temp = {} local syllable = mw.text.split(phrase, " ", true) for syllable_index = 1, #syllable do syllable[syllable_index] = gsub(syllable[syllable_index], "([း့])(်)", "%2%1") temp[syllable_index] = gsub( syllable[syllable_index], "^([%+%-%*]*[ကခဂဃငစဆဇဈဉညဋဌဍဎဏတထဒဓနပဖဗဘမယရလဝသဟဠအဣဤဥဦဧဩဪ၏၌၍ဿ][ျြ]?ွ?ှ?/?)([^း့']*)([း့]?)('?)$", function(initial, final, tone, schwa) return process(initial, final, tone, schwa, system, system_index) end) end table.insert(sentences, concatenate(temp, system_index)) end if mode == "translit_module" then return table.concat(sentences, " ") end table.insert(pronunciations[system_index], table.concat(sentences, " ")) return pronunciations[system_index] end

function respelling_format(phonetic, page_title) local page_title_set = mw.text.split(syllabify(page_title), " ") local new_respellings = {} for _, respelling in ipairs(phonetic) do local respelling_set = mw.text.split(syllabify(respelling), " ") if gsub(table.concat(respelling_set), "[%+%-%*']", "") == (gsub(table.concat(page_title_set), "ါ", "ာ")) then for index, element in ipairs(respelling_set) do if element ~= page_title_set[index] then respelling_set[index] = '' .. element .. '' end end end table.insert(new_respellings, table.concat(respelling_set)) end text = table.concat(new_respellings, ", ") text = remove_wide_space(text) text = gsub(text, "[%+%-].", initial_voicing) text = gsub(text, "([ခဂငဒပဝ]ေ?)ာ", "%1ါ") return text end

function export.generate_tests(word, respelling) respelling, word = generate_respelling(respelling), generate_respelling(word) local pronunciations = { [1] = {}, [2] = {}, [3] = {}, [4] = {}, [5] = {}, } local p, result = { ["orthographic"] = word, ["phonetic"] = respelling or word }, {}

table.sort(system_list, function(first, second) return first[1] < second[1] end) for system_index, system in ipairs(system_list) do pronunciations[system_index] = export.get_romanisation(p[system["type"]], pronunciations, system, system_index) end for system_index = 1, 5 do table.insert(result, table.concat(pronunciations[system_index])) end return (gsub(gsub(table.concat(result, " | "), "", "("), "", ")")) end

function export.make(frame) local args = frame:getParent().args local page_title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text local title = generate_respelling(args["word"] or page_title)

local p, result = { ["orthographic"] = { title }, ["phonetic"] = {} }, {} local pronunciations = { [1] = {}, [2] = {}, [3] = {}, [4] = {}, [5] = {}, }

if not args[1] then args = { title } end for index, item in ipairs(args) do table.insert(p["phonetic"], (item ~= "") and generate_respelling(item) or nil) end

table.sort(system_list, function(first, second) return first[1] < second[1] end) for system_index, system in ipairs(system_list) do for _, word in ipairs(p[system["type"]]) do pronunciations[system_index] = export.get_romanisation(word, pronunciations, system, system_index) end end

if title ~= table.concat(args) then table.insert(result, "* 발음" .. (#p["phonetic"] > 1 and "s" or "") .. ": " .. tostring( mw.html.create( "span" ) :attr( "lang", "my" ) :attr( "class", "Mymr" ) :wikitext( respelling_format( p["phonetic"], page_title ))) .. "\n" ) end

table.insert(result, '* IPA' .. '(표기): ' ..

(tostring( mw.html.create( "span" ) :attr( "class", "IPA" ) :wikitext( "/" .. gsub(table.concat(pronunciations[1], "/, /"), "ʔʔ", "ʔ.ʔ") .. "/" ))) ..

'\n* 로마자: ')

for system_index = 2, 5 do table.insert(result, (system_index ~= 2 and " • " or "") .. "" .. system_list[system_index]["name"] .. ": " .. table.concat(pronunciations[system_index], "/")) end

return table.concat(result) end

return export
